Two weeks Detoxing for IVF :Day 2 

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Two weeks IVF Detox Journey.

  • Hello everyone, is me again. I thought it is important to share how this experience was for me each day. For anyone interested in detoxing before their IVF treatment, this is how my second day went. First, let’s discuss the reason I decided to take this journey for an update’s sake.
  • If you are not interested in the reasons I went on this journey by all means you can scroll right down to the steps I took each day. 
  • In the past, I have talked about how I researched a lot about In vitro fertilization(IVF) before and during my first IVF treatment. I had a deep need to gain a better understanding of IVF treatment. I did not have a lot of knowledge about my condition and treatment in the beginning. This left me confused most of the time with my doctor’s explanations of my condition as well as my treatment.
  • I found that having a better knowledge of my diagnosis and IVF treatment keeps my mind at ease. I will know exactly what my issue was and what I needed to do in order to reach an optimal result. 
  • After speaking with my doctor, I come to understand that I can put time, money and physical strain on my body and yet there was no absolute guarantee that my IVF treatment will work. 
  • Honestly, this realization scared me. I remembered watching Youtube videos of other people that have also undergone IVF treatment.
  • They were all negative. At least the ones I came across. Many of these women have tried several times and yet were unsuccessful. I was in disbelief. 
  • The first thing that came to mind was Ijeoma you are not special. Do you really expect this to work for you on the first try? You got no money, at least not like these women. Where will you get the money to go through this treatment as many times as these other women did? it cost a lot. 
  • I had to find someone. Even if it’s just one person that it had successfully worked for on the first try. At least to show that it was possible.
  • I looked through the internet, on Youtube specifically until I found one person that it worked for the first time.
  • She gave me hope that helped me move forward with the decision to start my IVF treatment.
  • I sometimes wonder, what if I never came across that video at that pivotal moment of my life? Would I have just given up in fear that I was never going to afford the treatments? 
  • At this point in my life, Looking back I felt very grateful to have found that video. It gave me hope, and the push I needed to get started on my IVF treatment.
  • I felt alone and powerless before my research. All I knew was that I have a diagnosis for my infertility, this is how much it will cost if you still looking to conceive and there was no guarantee for a baby even after I go through the treatment. 
  • I started my treatment with just hope that it will work out for me. So in order to exact some sort of control over my life, I tried to do all the right things as per my doctor’s advice.
  • These are some of the ways I try to gain some sort of control over my infertility treatment. I educated ourselves on the subject a lot. I research and asked tons of questions to my doctors. 
  • I listen to my doctor’s instructions and I applied them all. 
  • I eat right. What I felt I didn’t quite get right in my first treatment I included in my second. I tried my best to do all the right things to give me an optimal chance of successful treatment. 
  • My two-week detox program was something I did for my second treatment. 
  • I started the detox two weeks before I started my fertility diet and IVF treatment. the idea was, to begin with, a clean slate before the fertility diet.
  • This is how it was for me and what I eat to achieve the cleansing I needed before I began my fertility diet and IVF treatment.

How I Got Started Using detox to Achieve Better Health

  • As I have mentioned in my  Detox blog post, the gut lining absorbs the food we eat. In fact, it releases the proper enzymes to break down the food we eat and pass wast. When the gut and the digestive system are not taken care of. It can trigger inflammation, leading to damage to eggs and sperm health.
  • For someone like me trying to conceive through IVF. Fertility detox is one of my processes. Eating the right kind of food is important to gently remove toxins from the body to improve the whole system (gut health).
  • The idea is to give the liver a chance to clean and expel all the bad toxins from the digestive system without overloading the work of the liver. Detox also has surprisingly another good side effect.
  • Detox can result in a slite weight loss, a slimmer figure, and a flat stomach when done well. As long as you keep in mind that the weight loss can disappear if you don’t continue to maintain a healthier eating lifestyle.
  • So as you can see I had no actual picture of the food I had on the first day. this changed on the second. I just wrote it down.
  • I began each day with lemon water
  • I made a smoothie with purple cabbage, probiotic yogurt, pumpkin seeds, milk, a banana and chickpeas
  • For lunch, One toast of a multigrain and an egg.
  • For supper, I had fish and a cup of wild rice, bean and broccoli
  • For snack had a hand full of mixed seeds.
  • I used mostly organic base food.
  • Is essential to add protein to each meal to get sulphur and amino acids as they are good for expelling toxins through the bile or urine.
  • Antioxidant base vegetables such as broccoli help detox and neutralize the liver
  • All my food choices down to spices have functions that contribute to my detox. For example, Spices such as rosemary, mint and citrus zest made their way to my meal each day. They have phytochemicals that help to detoxify the body’s pathway to reduce inflammation. Every food and drink ingredient vegetable and fruit are chosen and used for it function purpose of my detox. If you wish to know more about these functions of each meal to my detox go here. Here are all I had on the 2nd day.
Here are Food that I had on my day 2. This will help you by given you an idea of what kind of food choices to make.

Additional steps 

 Dry Brush

  • Before I had a bath each day, I dry brushed from head to toe for 5 minutes.
  • It is supposed to help me increase my circulation and breaks down fatty deposits from the body.
  • I find that I was left feeling refreshed after I dry brush my body, It was gentler to my body leaving as it felt more like a massage. 
  • I also notice healthier and glower skin as I was also removing dead skin. which resulted in smoother and softer skin. For more information go here

 Exercise and Epsom salt bath

  • Exercise helps your body’s circulation so of cause I added a daily home base exercise to my journey. Exercise helps with my detox by expelling toxins from my body and cleaning the liver
  • As for me exercise immediately gives me the energy I needed to manage the rest of my daily duties. I enjoyed it as a result it did not seem like work( something I had to do).
  • Epsom salt bath is believed to assist in helping draw out toxins from the body and help balance the body. It is supposed to help with constipation, weight management and relieve stress. For me what I notice immediately was a stress reduction. Once in a while I try to take an Epsom salt bath just for regular self-care and after it if feel a weight lighter.
This was more like my experience. This was so much fun. It was a very good self-care. Everyone should try this.

The Last Thing You Need to Know About 

  • The second day was the same as the first day, except that I was better prepared, which made my day go a lot easier. I continued to feel good. The belief that I was involved in my own treatment process made me feel alive again because I thought that I had control over my life. That feeling was very powerful to me as I no longer felt helpless.
  • I looked forward and was eager for my third day. It got better each day.
  • For those interested in IVF detox, you can read this blog post and use my journey as an inspiration to guild you. Until next time.
  • If you really like this blog post, If it was helpful for you please share it with your, friends and family or leave a comment below. I really appreciate it. I love to hear from you.


  • Cleaveland Clinic., (2021)
  • Zita West., (2016)The IVF Diet 

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