What happens after Two weeks wait?

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What happens after Two weeks wait?

So you’ve found out you’re pregnant. You’re overjoyed and can’t wait to tell your loved ones the good news. For me, I was praising the Lord because He had answered my prayers so beautifully! My daughter woke up from her napas as a result of my loud praising. But then you remember…the 3-month wait. Suddenly, your happiness is replaced with anxiety and worry. You quietly sit back down and remind yourself of the plan – to not move much and continue the wait.

But what exactly are you waiting for? Why is it so important to remain still and calm for these next few months? Let’s take a look at what happens after the Ivf two-week wait and why the 3-month wait is so critical.

What happens once you find out you are pregnant?

You see, during early pregnancy, your body is undergoing some major changes. Your hormone levels are rising rapidly, which can cause all sorts of problems – from morning sickness and fatigue to mood swings and anxiety. On top of that, your body is working overtime to accommodate the growing fetus. All of this physical stress can put a lot of strain on your internal organs, which can lead to complications down the road.

That’s why it’s so important to take things easy during this fragile time. Too much physical activity can cause problems with implantation and lead to a miscarriage. That’s why your doctor will likely tell you to limit your exercise, avoid heavy lifting, and take plenty of rest. It’s also important to eat a healthy diet and avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
For many women, remaining calm and still during this time is easier said than done. But it’s important to remember that every day brings you closer to your goal – a healthy baby in your arms.

Tips on how to get through the 3 months wait

Stay positive and busy:

This is easier said than done but try to stay optimistic and keep yourself occupied. Indulge in your hobbies, read that book you’ve been wanting to, or catch up on your favourite TV show. Anything to take your mind off of the waiting game.

Be kind to yourself:

During this time, it is important to go easy on yourself both mentally and physically. Take naps, eat healthy foods, and get some exercise if you can.

Connect with others who understand:

Sometimes it helps to talk to others who have gone or are going through the same thing as you. There are many online forums and support groups available that can provide some much-needed solidarity and understanding during this time.

Trust your body:

Many women have a heightened sense of intuition during pregnancy so if something doesn’t feel right, trust your gut and call your doctor right away.

Don’t forget that embryos take time to implant: Just because implantation hasn’t happened right away doesn’t mean that it won’t happen at all. It can take up to 10 days for an embryo to attach itself to the uterine wall so there is still hope even if things don’t seem positive at first glance.

The Last Thing You Need to Know About the 3-month wait

Pregnancy is an amazing time but it can also be a very stressful one – especially if you’ve gone through IVF. But by following your doctor’s orders and taking things easy, you increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. So hang in there – the 3-month wait will be over before you know it. Until next time.

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For anyone that has gone through this 3 months waits please let us know in the comment what you did to occupy your time and how you felt.

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