Sage for Digestion and Good Gut Health

Sage for digestion

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Sage for Digestion and Good Gut Health

  • Sage is known for its medicinal and culinary use. In ancient Rome, the used sage for digestion of fatty meat at the time. It was considered as part of the pharmacopeia ancient Rome. Today sage continues to be considered as one of the herbs used to achieve good digestion for better gut health. It is good to consider adding and eating sage while detoxing.
  • It is no secret that the gut lining absorbs the food we eat. In fact, it releases the proper enzymes to break down the food we eat and pass wast. When the gut and the digestive system are not taken care of. It can trigger inflammation which can lead to damage to eggs and sperm health.
  • For someone like me trying to conceive through IVF treatment. Fertility detox is one of my processes. It is important to eat the right kind of food to gently remove toxins out of the body in order to improve the whole system (gut health).
  • Including sage to your meal can play an important role by helping remove waste out of the body. Examples of ways you can use sage for digestion is by adding it to your cooking or brewing and drinking sage tea. It is a useful herb to add to your meal while detoxing.
  • The idea is to give the liver a chance to clean and expel all the bad toxins from the digestive system without overloading the work of the liver. Detox also has a surprisingly another good side effect.
  • Detox can result in a slite weight loss, a slimmer figure, a flat stomach when done well. As long as you keep in mind that the weight loss can disappear if you don’t continue to maintain a healthier eating lifestyle.

History of Sage use.

  • The Sage is a herb plant that came from a mint family. It has a sweet and savory flavor. It is known to be native to the Mediterranean region. Sage has a long history due to its medicinal and culinary uses. In fact, the French grow and brew them for tea. The German produced and sold them for its medicinal use. The Chinese traded sage with the french with their own tea
  • In ancient Rome, sage was used and known for its good digestion properties for more information on sage history go here
  • The use of sage for digestion is not new as was mentioned earlier in this blog post. Here are ways sage can contribute to better digestion and lead to good gut health.
Sage for good digestion
Here are how sage plan can helps with digestion and lead you to achieve a good gut health and system

How sage is good for digestion and good gut health

Sage Aid in Digestion

  • Sage plant is very good in helping with digestion of rich and fatty meat. In fact, when sage is eaten, it activates a range of liver activities.
  • These liver activities help stimulate an increased bile production from the liver and release it from the gallbladder. It does this without destroying important organs.
  • Sage helps with making a strong and healthy liver for the overall system.

Sage is a Bitter Tonic for the Liver.

  • The bitter flavor found in the sage plant stimulates the bitter receptors which are located at the back of the tongue,
  • This stimulating factor causes specific taste buds to transmit the taste of the bitter flavor to the central nervous system.
  • It helps to trigger a number of reflexes leads to the important digestive process and the health overall health such as;  pancreatic function: The stimulation of the digestive juice from the exocrine glands of the mouth, stomach, pancreas, duodenum, and liver aid in good digestion


  • Sage can be useful in the treatment disorders caused by insufficient or congestion bile, such an interaction biliary constipation
  • The bile makes it easier for the digestion of fat and cleanses the system because it is a natural laxative

The Last Thing You Need to Know about Sage

  • This blog post focused on how sage can be used for better digestion to improve gut health. That’s not all sage is used for. In fact, the Sage plant is used to treat varieties of other problems. Here are other illnesses that sage can be used to treat. Cold, flu, Inflammation of the mouth, throat, tonsils, sore throat, mouth wash, swab to treat infection, and to dry up, mother’s milk.
  • If you really like this blog post, If it was helpful for you please share it with your, friends and family or leave a comment below. I really appreciate it. I love to hear from you.


Hoffmann, David., (2017) Healthy Digestion, A Natural Approach to relieving Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn, constipation colitis, and more. (2)489 -600

Gladstar, Rosemary., (2017) Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs A beginner’s Guild. (224)85-89

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