Peppermint for Good Gut Health


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Peppermint for Digestion and Good Gut Health

  • According to the book Rosemary Gladstar’s medicinal herbs, Peppermint is referred to as a blast of green energy. In fact is known to renew, refreshes, and energizes without depleting or using up energy reserve. It is also known for it’s relaxing effect on the muscles of the digestive system.
  • Peppermint has been used as a medicinal remedy for indigestion as far back as the ancient Egyptian period. The Greeks and Roman used it as a stomach soother. For more information on Peppermint history go here.
  • It is still valued and used in today’s society to treat a variety of health issues. Which will be discussed in this blog post specifically on it’s use to achieve good gut health.
  • When it comes to cleansing and detoxing your body for IVF treatment, the two important steps that one needs to keep in mind is, given your liver a chance to clean and expel all the bad things in your digestive system, that could be affecting your gut health and do so Without overloading the work of the liver. Secondly, look into nutrition to add or increase in your diet to improve your gut health.

Role of peppermint in achieving good gut health

  • Here is a list of how peppermint aid in achieving good gut health according to the book Healthy Digestion A Natural Approach.

    Peppermint Provides a relaxing effect

    • Peppermint is known for it’s relaxing effect on the muscles of the digestive system. It strives to reduce or eliminate farting and aid in stimulating bile and digestion juice flow.
    • It helps soothes the gut wall. It does this by easing the griping pain and reducing the production of gas in the digestive system
    • This is how bile helps with digestion. It breaks down fats and turns them into fatty acids, then it is transported into the body system by the digestive tract


  • Anti-inflammatory 

    • The volatile oil found in peppermint works as a mild anesthetic to the stomach wall.
    • It aids in the treatment of the ulcerative condition of the bowl. That is it works as an anti-inflammatory remedy for inflammatory bowel disease caused by long-lasting inflammation and ulcer in the digestive system such as the inside of the colon and rectum


  • Antimicrobial effect

    • Peppermint offers a mild Antimicrobial effect to the lining and the layers of the muscle around the mucous membranes of the gut. It helps stop the growth of microorganisms and heals and aid healthy bacterial in breaking down food in the digestive system.



The Last Thing You Need to Know about peppermint

  • Peppermint does all the above and more such as relieving nausea and vomiting from pregnancy, headache from digestion issues, and so on. however, this post is dedicated to how it aids in digestion and ultimately leads to good gut health for your IVF treatment. The key is to include peppermint in your detox diet or find a good herbalist to assist you in finding the right balance for your detox journey in order to gain the best benefit for it’s inclusion to your cleansing process.
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