Making It Through The Two Weeks Wait

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How To Tell If You Are Having Pregnancy Symptoms Or Progesterone Symptom

  • Let’s begin by discussing what progesterone is. After the egg retrieval procedure is completed, you will start to take vaginal capsules, tablets or gel which contains progesterone. Progesterone is designed to mimic the hormonal changes that naturally occur after ovulation. This is used to prepare the uterus, for the arrival of an embryo. As you know the embryo is not all you, so therefore your body will naturally view it as an invasive foreign agent that needs to be destroyed. Your body’s first defence is to try to fight off. Progesterone is used to avoid this. This is why progesterone is so important it helps reduce the risk of miscarriage.
  • You will start taking the progesterone right after the egg retrieval is completed and continue to take it after 2 weeks, if you are pregnant you will take this medication for good 10 weeks.
  • After you have completed your embryo transfer, you will enter the two-week wait. This is the time between the transfer and when you can take a pregnancy test. During this time, it is common to experience a range of symptoms. But how do you know if these are symptoms of pregnancy or of the progesterone supplement you are taking? Let’s explore some of the most common symptoms and what they could mean.


  • This is a common symptom during the two-week wait and can be caused by either pregnancy or progesterone. If you are feeling unusually tired, it could be a sign that your body is working hard to support a pregnancy. However, fatigue can also be a side effect of taking progesterone. If you are unsure, pay attention to how your energy levels compared to your normal state. If you are more tired than usual, it could be a sign of pregnancy. I was so tired and got even worse as my pregnancy progressed. For me, this was my first clue. I compared my fatigue to before my embryo transfer it was day and night.


  • Bloating is another symptom that either pregnancy or progesterone can cause. Progesterone helps prepare the uterine lining for implantation and can cause bloating as it does its work. However, bloating can also be caused by early pregnancy as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes. If you are experiencing bloating during the two-week wait, pay attention to other symptoms you are experiencing. If you are also feeling fatigued and nauseous, it is more likely that you are pregnant.

Here are some symptoms you might experience during your two week wait. Here are ways to determine if you are pregnant or just experiencing the progestron symptoms.

Here are some symptoms you might experience during your two-week wait. Here are ways to determine if you are pregnant or just experiencing progesterone symptoms.


  • Nausea is a common symptom of early pregnancy, but can also be caused by stress or anxiety. If you feel nauseous during the two-week wait, try to relax and take deep breaths. It can also help to eat small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones. If nausea persists, It could be a sign of pregnancy. For me nausea was new but to be honest although it was a sign of pregnancy, It was a symptom of stress and anxiety. I was so stressed out and experienced anxiety as well. Just the thought of a failed treatment. It was a lot for you girl to take.
  • At The same time, the tinies taught in my mind that I could be was a welcome comfort during these two weeks. But I could not wait for the end of my 2 weeks so I could take a test to be sure.

Breast Tenderness

  • Breast tenderness is another symptom that either pregnancy or progesterone can cause. During early pregnancy, your body is preparing for nursing and will start producing milk. This can cause your breasts to feel engorged and tender. However, progesterone can also cause breast tenderness as it prepares the breasts for nursing (even though there is no baby yet). If you are experiencing breast tenderness during the two-week wait, pay attention to other symptoms you are experiencing. If nausea and fatigue are also present, it is more likely that you are pregnant.

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Two weeks wait for Symptoms

  • The two-week wait can be a trying time for anyone who has undergone embryo transfer. The range of symptoms you may experience during this time can make it hard to tell whether or not you are pregnant. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow. If you are experiencing fatigue, bloating, nausea, and breast tenderness Like I was, it is more likely that you are pregnant (although not guaranteed). On the other hand, if you only have one or two of these symptoms, it is more likely that they are caused by the progesterone supplements you are taking. The best way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test when the time comes! Until next time.
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