Self-Care Tips for IVF Treatment

Self-care tips for IVF treatment

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To Give Women who are on their IVF treatment process some self-care tips so they are not over-whelmed, These tips will help you toward a more successful outcome.

Self-Care Tips for IVF Treatment

When you undergo IVF treatment, you will find that so much of your journey is out of your control. Starting from discovering that you are infertile to the IVF treatment process. Keep in mind that there is no certainty that your journey will end in a successful pregnancy. For all these reasons your physical, mental, and emotional well being suffer. Don’t get me wrong Everyone’s journey is different. Some go through a hard time other’s not so much. I can tell you that I was one of those women that had a hard time. Every aspect of my journey was out of my control. So I had to create something that made me feel like I had some kind of control, reduces stress, and bring in positive energy. To accomplish this I created and implemented self-care tips for IVF treatment. It helped keep me sane, reduced stress, and helped optimize my chances of getting pregnant


  • To create my self-care tips for IVF treatment the first thing I did was take charge of my schedule. I figured this out after my first IVF appointment. I remove all non-essential activities and events from my life. This allowed me to have some sort of control during my journey. It also allowed me time to focus more on my IVF journey. Fewer distractions.
  • Make time for only essentials. This will allow you time for things that matter in your life. This gives you time for your scans and blood test. Your treatment will be emotionally tasking and physically demanding, therefore, it Is important that you make your calendar and schedule as stress-free as possible.
  • If you will continue to work during your journey. figure your work schedule out quick and fast so you can plan ahead. Currently, in Canada, there are no statutory holidays dedicated to IVF treatment. However, your Workplace should have medical leave which can be used for your IVF appointments. You do not need to book off work for the whole IVF treatment cycle. You will need time off for all your many Scans and blood test appointments. Also, you will need time off for your bed rest after embryo transfer. You need to figure out your schedule. Have a discussion with your employer within a reasonable time. Figure out what will work for both of you then plan for it.

Eliminate anything that depletes you

  • I got this idea from the clinic I received my treatment from. This step recommends that You explore anything that drains you in your life. In this case, anything that depletes your energy, body, and spirit. You eliminate them from your life. It could be as simple as a routine change. Simplifying your life or taking space from relationships, people, and obligations that are not serving you. Try not to overextend yourself. Choose you and do not feel bad about it.
  • In my case, it was reducing the amount of time I spent with a volunteered organization I was involved with until I was ready to go back, not returning back to work and not spending time with people that are not my cheerleaders.
  • If you find yourself in a situation where you are not able to take that space, take a step back emotionally, and focus on yourself. Then decide how you want to think and feel not how that situation or a person that depletes you makes you feel.
  • I have to admit this was one of the best things I did during my baby-making journey. I included this step as one of my self-care tips for IVF treatment because it made me feel in control, less stressed, and more focussed on what really mattered in my life. I felt the positive energy all around me during that time.


  • This is where you ask yourself what will bring more joy in your life. This is another recommendation from the clinic I got my treatment from. Make a list of what bring you joy and implement them in your life. For me, it was my youtube at-home yoga routine I did every morning, a change to my diet to more fertility-friendly one and time spent with my cheerleaders. Having a conversation, and occasional girls night out that brought me joy and filled my cup. Honestly, I wish I did this more often and started earlier in my journey rather than waiting for three months before I included emotional support people. I do not recommend telling everyone about your journey of course but you need a few trusted people in your journey for social and emotional support. Strive to invite love, compassion, and affection into your life by letting people love and care for you and you reciprocating that love and care to them.

Don’t Blame Yourself

  • More often than none women and society tend to blame women for infertility or when IVF treatment does not result in pregnancy. We began to ask what went wrong, what could we have done better. My dear, you did nothing wrong. Just know it Is not your fault. You followed all your doctor’s Directions. don’t be so hard on yourself. Instead appreciate the journey you have just made through. Know that you are strong women and you have accomplished a something by completing the IVF treatment process and now you know what you are capable of.

One last thing

  • It is important to be positive. IVF treatment can be challenging. As I mentioned earlier it is both physically demanding, emotional, and mentally draining treatment. There is no guarantee that you will come out with a baby. The word is a number’s game comes to mind. With this in mind is important to remain positive. Try not to let fear hold you back from your baby-making journey. Practice a daily affirmation to help keep you on track. It could be something as simple as telling yourself that it will work out at the end. keep your eye on the price. keep seeing yourself holding that baby. Train your brain to look for the bright side of things and stay away from negativity.
  • Do not just focus solely on your IVF journey though. Occupy yourself with what brings you joy like a good outing with a good friend and family members that cheers you on.
  • prioritize self-care in your journey. It was one of the first things I listed for my IVF preparation kit. I never regrated it. It helped keep me focused, reduced stress, and gave me a feeling of control over something in my baby-making journey.
  • If you really like this blog post, If it was helpful for you please share it with your, friends and family or leave a comment below. I really appreciate it. I love to hear from you.

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