IVF Life Update

IVF and Life after: How is it going

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Here are what we have been up to since my last blog post. As you all know I had my baby Lucy on June 2, 2021. She is a healthy beautiful baby girl. The idea of this blog was to showcase my IVF and postpartum experiences. Unfortunately, I was not able to do so. I truly apologize for not being able to deliver as I promised. The reason I was not able to continue with my blog was that I needed a minute to gather myself and figure some things out.

Instead, I used the time to focus on my recovery and being present for my children. What came out of my experience was a stronger person, ready to take on whatever the world throws at me.

I am currently enjoying God’s gift to my family. Three beautiful healthy children. I truly feel blessed to have gone through this experience. I hope others looking for a conviction to take the IVF journey to start a family, will do so with no hesitation. As this has been the best decision we have made as a family

My first child turned Ten years old on April 22, 2022. She is in grade four now. My second daughter turned three on April 18, 2022. She will start preschool in September. My last daughter will be One on June 2, 2022. All the girls are doing well now, so we thank God for his grace.

The girls had their birthday parties this Sunday with their friends and family. They had a blast. It was a hectic couple of days with the planning and preparations. It was all worth it to see the true joy on the girls’ faces during their time with their friends

As you know, the past two years have been quite difficult for the girls. Like everyone around the world, they had to endure covid 19 and what came with it. This was their first outdoor birthday since covid-19 outbreak so the girls were pretty excited to celebrate with their friends. They are completely over celebrating their birthdays indoors.

Easter was really good for the girl as well because they had an opportunity to participate in an egg hunt, egg painting and a big family dinner prepared by their aunty. They have been eating chocolate for the past two days. Although I hide the chocolate they seem to find more to eat but it is fine as they haven’t been able to do much in the past two years due to covid 19. Seeing the children out and about and happy doing so has been good for the whole family.

Can you believe that Lucy is Three? She was my first IVF treatment. I can not believe how fast she is growing. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was sitting in my doctor’s office contemplating what my next step will be. How can I afford the funding required to go through IVF? lastly, how can My body handle the brutal harsh realities of IVF processes? And now look at her and her sister. At this moment I truly feel blessed. I thank God every day for these two additional blessings that I received

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