How to Keep your Relationship Strong when undergoing IVF Treatment

How to make Your Relationship Strong While Going Through IVF

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Strengthen your relation while undergoing IVF treatment

  • If you have been following my blog posts, by now you know it is no secret That IVF treatment can be physically demanding and emotionally draining. These kinds of stress can take a toll on your relationship if not natured well. No matter how strong your relationship is or how committed you are to your baby-making mission. It is important to put in place a well laid out plan to support each other during that difficult time or your relationship suffers. Here are some of the ways that your relationships can be affected

How does IVF affect relationships

  • IVF can get pricey especially when a couple has to go through the IVF cycle multiple times. fighting about money can strain a relationship especially when there is no guarantee that you will come out with a baby.
  • Most couples face the fear of failed cycle, miscarriages, financial setbacks, and the disappointment of not ending up with a baby,
  • Just know that the stress of it all can impact the way couples relate to each other and if not handle with care can affect your marriage.

Can Infertility Ruin a Marriage

  • As I mentioned earlier, trying to get pregnant through IVF treatment can either cause conflict in a relationship or bring a couple together. In fact, studies have shown that women who didn’t have a child after IVF treatment are 3 times more likely to get a divorce or end a relationship than women who had a child. So, therefore, if you are unable to get a hold of your emotion, stress, financial issues, loss through miscarriage, and the demanding and draining nature of the IVF journey could lead to ruined marriage.
  • The way to get ahead of these issues early on is by putting steps in place, to help nature your relationship. This will help you keep your relationship strong while and after your IVF treatment.
  • Here are Six ways to help you make your relationship strong while undergoing IVF treatment. According to the book The IVF Diet. Some of these tips helped my husband and I while we were going through our journey. I hope this is of a use to someone out there.

Here are Six ways to help you make your relationship strong while undergoing IVF. Strengthen your relationship with these tips and come out stronger and better in your life

Here are Six ways to help you make your relationship strong while undergoing IVF.  Strengthen your relationship with these tips and come out stronger and better in your life

How can Spouse Keep Their Relationship Strong While Going Through IVF

  1. Whenever you or your partner needs to talk, be a listening ear. It is through communication and listening that one can feel hard. You accomplish this kind of support to your spouse, through empathetic listening, and do so in a non-judgmental manner.
  2. Everyone is different therefore manages stressful situations differently. Give each other permission to express yourself, in your own way without judgment. When she needs to scream let her. Believe me, it will happen. She is not trying to blame you. listen be supportive.
  3. More often than none, man tends to feel more optimistic while women feel they are more realistic about their situation. All in all your wife just want to be listened to and please zip it and listen. Please try to be kind to each other and manage each other expectations with respect and kindness.
  4. Both of you need to try and attend all the appointments if possible. If unable to maintain all the appointments, try to work with your spouse, and ensure that you attend the important once at lease. This shows teamwork and makes your spouse feel supported and validated
  5. Do things together that are outside of the IVF treatment. Do activities that both of you enjoyed doing before you journey to baby. This will remain you once again that there is more to your relationship than the baby-making process
  6. Do not do the blame game. Blaming each other for the position you are in will not get either of you anywhere. It will just create additional problems that will affect your relationship negatively. If both of you are finding it difficult to talk to each other, maybe it is time to get a counselor to assist you. A counselor to help you look at the root cause of your issues and find a way to move forward.

One Last Thing to help make your relationship strong while undergoing IVF treatment

  • Remember, do not forget intimacy in your relation because stress, timeline, and schedule can get hectic and get in the way of your time together. Do not let it slide. Make time and room for each other intimately. Both of you have already survived through the first step of getting tested and finding out what your infertility issue is. You are now working toward a solution that can lead to a baby. You are very strong already and with both of you working together and supporting each other, you will be unstoppable. It will reflect positively on both of you and your relationship will thrive as a result.
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