How to cleanse and detox your body for IVF

How to Detox and Cleanse your body for IVF

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How to Detox and Cleanse the Body for IVF

  • If you read my last post on a fertility-friendly diet. You will understand that the food choices we make can ultimately affect our fertility. According to a well know book The IVF diet, before going on the fertility diet, It is recommended to care for the gut first to give it a fresh start. The art of doing this is known as cleansing or detoxing the body. You must keep the gut healthy to ensure that the fertility-friendly diet works as needed. I guess what I am trying to say is that one can take all the necessary steps to adopt a more healthy fertility diet but if the gut and the digestive system are in poor health it will minimize the effect of your well planned fertility diet.
  • The guts lining absorbs the food we eat. It releases the proper amount of enzymes to break down the food and passthrough waste. All are required and are essential to a good healthy gut.
  • The reason why is important to take care of your gut and digestive system is that if it is neglected that can trigger inflammation which can lead to damage to eggs and sperm
  • This blog post focuses on why it is important to detox and cleanses the gut, the benefit,and what kinda herbs, food, and spices to eat to effectively detox the digestive system. This should not only assist your diet to work better but it will also improve the chance of getting a baby at the end of it all.
How to cleanse and detox you body for  IVF
The best tips for cleansing your body for IVF. Here are 13 tips to help you detoxify your body by expelling known allergens and food that might promote inflammation. Which ultimately leads to optimizing your liver and improves your chances of conceiving

What is Fertility Detox and Cleanse

  • Fertility detox and cleansing is the process of gently removing toxins from the body in order to improve the whole system. This is particularly important for people like me that undergone IVF treatment and are trying to conceive.
  • A fertility cleanse is not about counting calories or losing weight it is more about putting the right kind of food into your body to help detox your body and give your body the best chance of conceiving.

How to Detox the body before IVF and pregnancy

  • To be honest with you, I never tried this clean. I am providing this information for anyone who is interested in cleansing their system to optimize their IVF treatment chances. It is scientifically proven to help women improve their fertility chances.
  • According to a good know book The IVF Diet, there is two-step to cleansing and detoxification of the body before IVF treatment.
  • The first step is to start with a clean slate. The idea here is to give your liver a chance to clean and expel all the bad things in your digestive system that could be affecting your gut health without overloading the work of the liver.
  • Secondly, look into nutrition to add or increase in your diet to improve your gut health.
  • Two weeks before the start of IVF treatment is a targeted time to go on cleansing. It is however not recommended to detox while trying to get pregnant.

Tips for Detoxing and Cleansing the Body System to Optimize the Liver

  • Here are tips, according to the book The IVF Diet on how to cleanse and detoxify the body. Cleansing the body helps to optimize your chances of conceiving. The recommendation is that one goes on the cleansing program two weeks before the treatment. This allows for a proper time to improve digestive function and liver function. It does this through expelling food that promotes inflammation and allergen food. Then add food that helps with good digestive health and detoxification process
  • Tip 1 Try to eat more organic

    • Try to reduce toxins from the food and drink you eat by eating more organic base food
  • Tip 2 Eat foods that are filled with antioxidants

    • Antioxidants will help detox and neutralize the liver
    • Try to reduce or eliminate processed food and alcohol from your diet as they can damage all cells, for example, the sperm and egg cells, and as you are all aware that is definitely what we do not want when undergoing IVF treatment.
    • Includes these antioxidants in your diet to help neutralize them
  • Tip 3 leafy, berries and Citrus

    • Add leafy vegetables such as kale, lettuce, and spinach for more information on Leafy vegetable
    • Eat berries such as raspberry, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, Gogi berries and grapes
    • Citrus fruits
  • Tip 4 Add Protein to each meal

    • You get nutrients such as sulphur and amino acid which are good for expelling toxins through the bile or urine
    • Examples of good proteins to add to your meals are as follows: fish like cod, salmon and trout
    • lean or organic meat
    • Wild meat
    • Game meat
    • Poultry meat
    • Protein power
    • For the vegetarians out there here are some sulphur amino acids food to eat; eggs, nuts, beans, and pulses
    • Eat a palm-size of nuts and seeds every meal.
  • Tip 5 Eat Vitamin B-Rich Food

    • Eat leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach to help you with the detoxification process
    • Eat between 60g to 120 g of leafy vegetables per day
  • Tip 6 Fermented Food

    • You need to eat fermented food each day example; probiotic yogurts
    • Try to stay away from food that aggravates your gut like gluten base food example rye, wheat, and barley
  • Tip 7 bowel movement

    • Have a bowel movement once a day.
    • Include fibre-rich food into your meal
    • Fibre-rich food is as followed leafy vegetables, oats, wholegrain food, non-gluten grain, seeds like flaxseed, chia seed, apple, and pear
  • Tip 8 Exercise and Epsom salt bath

    • Exercise and Epsom bath help with detoxification as well
    • These kinds of movements are essential when it comes to cleaning the liver
    • They help you expel the toxin from your body
    • They help your body circulation
    • Relax the body and mind and helps stimulate the release of endorphins
  • Tip 9 Dry Brush

    • Before you have a bath each day, dry brush yourself from head to toe for 5 minutes each day
    • It helps you increase your circulation and breaks down fatty deposits from the body.
  • Tip 10 Supplement

    • Take phospholipid supplement each day to help aid with cell membrane health
  • Tip 11 Brightly coloured vegetables, fruit, herbs, and spices

    • They are important for what is known as phytochemicals
    • It helps with the detoxification of your body pathway and also reduces inflammation
    • Examples of these are brightly coloured vegetables, fruits, herbs (rosemary, dill, mint, coriander, parsley, beetroot, and citrus zest) and spices.
  • Tip 12 Olive Oil or Monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fats

    • Monounsaturated fats and olive oil is what you should focus on adding to your meals
    • Add Polyunsaturated fats from oily fish, seeds, and nuts to your meal plan as well.
    • All these fat are known to increase your bile which in turn helps expel toxin that was produced during your detoxification process
  • Tip 13 Water or fluid

    • Drink two litres of water or fluid each day
    • Examples to included are as followed; green tea, green juices and smoothies, herbal tea, coconut water, dandelion coffee nut and seeds milk

The Last Thing You Need to Know about liver cleanse

  • Understand that even though, that the side effect of this cleansing can be weight loss. It is not intended as so. Is also not meant for anyone to restrict calories from their meal. Rather is about putting the right kind of food into your body to help detoxify your system.
  • You do this by getting rid of key known allergen food or food that might promote inflammation in the body. Which in turn helps improve your chances of a successful IVF treatment
  • If you really like this blog post, If it was helpful for you please share it with your, friends and family or leave a comment below. I really appreciate it. I love to hear from you


Cleaveland Clinic., (2021)
zeta west., (2016)The IVF Diet 

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