How to Deal With Inconsiderate Statements About Your Infertility

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How To Deal With Inconsiderate Statements About Your Infertility

  • If you are like me and have been struggling with infertility, then you know how difficult it can be to deal with other people’s comments and questions. Whether it’s a well-meaning family member who keeps asking when you’re going to have a baby, or a colleague who makes thoughtless remarks about your body, it can be tough to keep your calm. Here are some tips for dealing with inconsiderate statements about your infertility, so you can manage your stress and focus on what’s important Making a baby. keep your eye on the prices.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

  • It’s important to acknowledge your feelings about the situation before you respond. If you’re feeling angry, hurt, or frustrated, that’s okay. Give yourself time to process those emotions before you decide how to respond to the person in question. Remember that you have a right to feel however you want, and there’s no need to apologize for your feelings.

Keep Your Response Short and Sweet

  • There’s no need to get into a long explanation of your fertility struggles when someone says something thoughtless. Take a few minutes to gather yourself then respond. Keep your response short and sweet, so you don’t get caught up in a discussion that you’re not ready for. For example, if someone asks when you’re going to have a baby, you have been married for a few years now. What are you waiting for. You could say that you’re not sure yet. If someone makes a comment about your weight, you could say that you’re comfortable with your body just the way it is. Simple and short.
Here are 4 ways to handle those inconsiderate statement about infertility. these tips will help you by reducing your stress and focus on what is important baby making.
Here are 4 ways to handle those inconsiderate statement about infertility. these tips will help you by reducing your stress and focus on what is important baby making.

Set Boundaries With Loved Ones

  • If you have loved ones who are constantly asking about your fertility journey, it might be helpful to set some boundaries. Explain that you’re not ready to talk about it yet, or let them know that their comments are hurtful. You might also want to ask them to respect your privacy and refrain from asking personal questions. Remember that YOU get to decide how much information you share about your fertility struggles, so don’t feel like you owe anyone an explanation.

Seek Support From Others Who Understand

  • It can be helpful to seek out support from others who are going through the same thing as you. Believe this helps. There are many online, websites, blogs, forums and support groups for women struggling with infertility, Find a group that fit your needs so you can find an understanding community of women who can relate to what you’re going through. This can be a great way to offload some of the emotional burdens that you’ve been carrying around, and it can also give you some valuable perspective on your situation.

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Inconsiderate Statements About Your Infertility

  • Dealing with inconsiderate comments about your infertility can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that YOU are in control of the situation. You get to decide how much information you share about your fertility journey, and how much stress you allow yourself to feel because of other people’s comments. By following these tips, you can deal with inconsiderate statements in a way that works best for you. Until next time.
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