Garlic for good gut health

Garlic is Good for Your Gut Health

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Garlic is Good for Good Gut Health

  • Garlic is a plant that grows underground. It has long green leaves that produce flowers that are edible. Garlic is from the onion family. It is related to other plants such as leek, onion, and shallot. Garlic is segmented in bulk known as clove. It has about 10 to 12 cloves in each garlic.
  • Garlic enhances the flavor of food. To be honest, my kitchen is always stock with garlic. I put it in pretty much everything I cook. In fact, Garlic is known as the wold most versatile culinary herb.
  • Garlic is also known for its medicinal use, in the ancient days, it was mostly used for its health and medicinal benefits.

History of Garlic Use

  • Garlic has been used since ancient times. It was known and used mostly for its health and medicinal purpose. In fact, written mentions of Garlic was well documented by cultures such as Greek, Romans, Chinese, Babylonians, and Egyptians.
  • It is native to Central Asia, South Asia, or Southwestern Siberia.
  • Although Galic has been used mostly for its medicinal benefit, it has been licked to other traditional beliefs and uses throughout history.
  • At one point, It was worshiped as Gods, used to pay the slave, ward off evil, and used as a local currency in ancient Egypt.
  • It was prescribed to men that had intimacy problems in the ancient Chinese.
  • In some cultures, Garlic was linked to the lower class. People that had Garlic on their breath, were kicked out of the upper class. In fact, the can be kicked out for up to a week as a punishment. People breathe ware checked to ensure that they had no garlic. If they did they are not allowed to enter the religious institutions. For more information go here.
  • In today’s society, scientists have discovered, that most of the medicinal purposes Garlic was used in the past were accurate.
  • Galic is still recognized and used for not just for its culinary use as you know already, it is used to treat other health issues.

How to get started using Garlic to achieve better digestion and good gut health

  • Today Garlic is known for its digestion and good gut health properties. It is good to consider adding Garlic as one of your detox agents while detoxing to help soothe the gut wall and a better digestive system.
  • It is no secret that the gut lining absorbs the food we eat. In fact, it releases the proper enzymes to break down the food we eat and pass wast. When the gut and the digestive system are not taken care of. It can trigger inflammation which can lead to damage to eggs and sperm health.
  • For someone like me trying to conceive through IVF treatment. Fertility detox is one of my processes. It is important to eat the right kind of food to gently remove toxins out of the body in order to improve the whole system (gut health).
  • So including Garlic as part of your detox plan will play an important role by helping cleanse the liver and promote wound healing of the digestive system. It is a useful herb to add to your plan while detoxing.
  • The idea is to give the liver a chance to clean and expel all the bad toxins from the digestive system without overloading the work of the liver. Detox also has a surprisingly another good side effect.
  • Detox can result in a slite weight loss, a slimmer figure, a flat stomach when done well. As long as you keep in mind that the weight loss can disappear if you don’t continue to maintain a healthier eating lifestyle.
Here are ways Garlic can help with digestion and lead to good gut health and other health benefits it provides
Here are ways Garlic can help with digestion and lead to good gut health and other health benefits it provides

How Garlic Can be Good for Digestion and Good Gut Health

  • Garlic help soothe the gut wall, it helps ease griping pain, and helps reduce the production of gas in the digestive tract. Garlic has a complex volatile oil that has a local antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and mildly antimicrobial effect on the lining and muscle coast that surround the mucous membranes of the gut wall.


  • Garlic Complex volatile oil help kill and inhibit the disease that causes microbes, prevents the formation of Microbiol colonies and may destroy microorganism colonies. These effects occur upon the lining and the layer of the mucous membranes of the gut and the alimentary canal. It aids in regulating bacteria effect in the muscle membranes of the gut and alimentary canal


  • The volatile oil in the Garlic herb has a local anti-inflammatory effect upon the lining and the layer of the muscle membranes of the gut and of the alimentary canal.

Mildly Antimicrobial

  • The volatile oil found in Garlic has a local antispasmodic effect. That is it helps soothe the gut wall by easing cramping and discomfort in the gut wall. It leads to a reduction in the production of gas in the digestive system

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Garlic

  • Although the Garlic plant has a direct healing effect on the intestine tract, it also has been known to lead to a more generalized effect on our body system. For example, it can also lead to a more generalized effect on the body system. For example, it does this by removing what seems like a symptom of a heart problem through removing the pressure of the flatulence and digestive pain. 
  • Garlic has other health benefits such as it aid to combat cold, reduce blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, may lower the risk of heart disses, help prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, improve athletic performance, improve bone health, and detoxification of heavy metals from the body. For more detail information on how garlic is good for your health please go here
  • For those of you who are interested in using the Garlic plant for any of all these health benefits, I will suggest completing your own research, for more detailed information before you use it. Until next time.
  • If you really like this blog post, If it was helpful for you please share it with your, friends and family or leave a comment below. I really appreciate it. I love to hear from you


  • Hoffmann, David., (2017) Healthy Digestion, A Natural Approach to relieving Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn, constipation colitis, and more. (2272)533-534
  • Gladstar, Rosemary., (2018) Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs A beginner’s Guild. (224)82-83
  • Joe leech., (June 4, 2017)

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