Fertility-Friendly Diet for IVF

How to Prepare The Body for IVF With a Fertility-Friendly Diet

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How to Prepare The Body for IVF With a Fertility-Friendly Diet

  • So far we have talked about the IVF process, the effect it can have on the body, and self-care tips to help deal with the demanding and draining nature of IVF treatment. We are putting our body through hell to conceive knowing very well there is a chance it will not work for us. Basically is important to find and make some lifestyle changes to help improve the IVF treatment success rate. Since we are what we put into our bodies. So, therefore, the food we eat can ultimately have a great impact on fertility. So why not take some time and figure out what kind of fertility-friendly food to help improve the chances of conceiving through IVF treatment. The best way to go, in my opinion, is through a diet that can help improve the quality and number of eggs, sperm, and embryo. A diet that will give you a higher chance of getting pregnant through IVF treatment process.
  • Like many of you out there, I pondered on the question of what I can personally do to improve my chances of a successful IVF treatment. For me, I landed on the idea of simply implementing eating and making healthy choices in my life. I had no specific diet plan. I recently discovered through research that my ideal of healthy eating that I had, before and while I was undergoing IVF treatment, closely resembles the Mediterranean diet illustrated in the book It Start with the egg. Mediterranean diet is known to be one of the best fertility-friendly diets out there now. I have come to an understanding that the way I ate before and during My IVF journey, was the best practice. It contributed to my high number and quality of, egg, and embryo which ultimately lead to the successful IVF treatment for me.
  • Let me tell you, choosing to eat more fertility-friendly food, will not be an easy journey. We live in a very fast past world, where we are way too busy to cook and make healthy food choices. To make matters worse, there are junk foods all around us that are easy, convenient, and cheap to get a hold of. It can be difficult to ignore. So this post will show the benefit of going on the Mediterranean diet for the purpose of improving your chances of getting pregnant. This will give you the knowledge and incentive to make a good diet plan that you can stick with. For me, it was reducing unhealthy food that I brought to my home. encouraging my family to eat more healthy so basically putting my whole family on a healthy eating diet. This helped me stick with the healthy diet that I place t myself on during my IVF journey

Fertility-Friendly Diet for IVF


This is the best fertility-friendly diet to help you prepare your body for IVF treatment. Here are some tips on how this diet can help improve your chances of conceiving

What is the best fertility diet

  • In my opinion, the best fertility diet out there is the ones that help to reduce blood sugar and maintain a healthy eating lifestyle that is to focus on a balanced diet. Which comprises consuming food that contains healthy fat, carbohydrates that digest slowly, and fertility-friendly protein.
  • Remember that a fertility diet is not about losing weight, it is about picking the right kind of food that will help improve egg, sperm, and embryo quality and quantity. Which will help optimize your IVF success rate.


  • This is why carbohydrates are good for IVF fertility-friendly diet. In order to balance the blood sugar and insulin level, the first thing to do is start choosing the right kind of carbohydrate. It is important that you pick slow-digesting foods that allow the glucose to release gradually over time. This will prevent a sudden quick rise in insulin in the body. Maintaining this kind of lifestyle will lead to a more balanced blood sugar and insulin level.
  • Here are some good sources of slow-digesting carbohydrate :
  • Steel-cut oatmeal,
  • Brown rice,
  • Buckwheat
  • Quinoa
  • Legumes, such as black-eyed peas, chickpeas, beans (adzuki, cannellini, Great Northern, kidney, lima, navy, pinto, and soybeans), peanuts, and lentils.
  • Seeds


  • This is why Protein is good for IVF Fertilityfriendly diet. Protein helps develop the body and helps give an instant energy boost to the body. It is good to include protein in one’s diet as it is needed for a balanced diet.
  • Omega-3 found in fish has been know to improve the chances of conceiving through IVF by reducing inflammation, supporting progesterone production, and increase uterine blood flow.
  • Here are some good sources of protein.
  • lean unprocessed protein such as
  • Fish,
  • Chicken
  • Beans
  • Meat (Small amount)
  • Legumes, such as black-eyed peas, chickpeas, beans (adzuki, cannellini, Great Northern, kidney, lima, navy, pinto, and soybeans), peanuts, and lentils (green and split red are most popular). You can eat green beans and snow peas in their pods.
  • nut, such as Brazilian nuts, pecans, macadamia, hazelnut, walnut, pine nut, peanut, almond cashew, pistachios
  • seed such as hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, cashews.

Fat and Oil

  • This is how Good fat and oil are good for you while undergoing IVF treatment. According to a well-known book, It starts with the egg these oils are rich in antioxidants. For example, vitamins, oleic acid fat are good for developing eggs, producing more mature eggs in terms of IVF. These are known to be anti-inflammatory fats that help improve fertility by reducing miscarriages.
  • As mentioned above in this post the Omega-3 found in fish helps improve the chances of conceiving through IVF. It does this by reducing inflammation, supporting progesterone production, and increase uterine blood flow.
  • This is the same case for men, the fish supplement has been known to improve sperm quality. By aiming for a higher intake of fish, olive oil, nuts and seed and a lower intake of saturated fat help improve fertility
  • Here are some good sources of healthy fat and oil.
  • Olive oil,
  • Avocado
  • Nuts such as Brazilian nuts, pecans, macadamia, hazelnut, walnut, pine nut, peanut, almond cashew, pistachios
  • Seed Such as hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, cashews, 


  • This is how Vitamins are good for you while undergoing IVF treatment. Studies have shown that when there is a deficiency in folate or vitamin B12 it is problematic for your baby-making journey. Deficiency in folate or vitamin B12 causes the amino acid homocysteine to build up in the body. Ultimately reduces the quality of eggs in IVF cycles and embryo and can cause miscarriages and blood clots. So definitely adding a good source of vitamins to your food is beneficial in a way that reduces the level of harmful amino acids called homocysteine. Key vitamins that help detoxify homocysteine and improve eggs and embryo quality
  • Here are some good sources of Vitamine
  • Antioxidant-rich vegetables such as red cabbage, artichokes, beet. Click here for more Information on Antioxidant-rich food
  • Fish
  • Eat leafy greens such as Spanish, kale

What Should Be Avoided During IVF Treatment

  • Avoid carbohydrates like white bread and highly process breakfast cereals, added sugar, and sweetener.
  • Gluten and dairy if you have inflammation or autoimmune condition or recurrent miscarriage, endometriosis or thyroid disease and
  • Caffeine Drinking several cups of coffee per day can be problematic as it can lead to miscarriage the same goes for while trying to conceive. It can make it more difficult to get pregnant. One cup of tea or half a cup of coffee per day may not have a huge impact on IVF. It is however even safer to switch to decaffeinated tea or coffee. Try and do so gradually to avoid withdrawal headaches
  • Alcohol vocational allow one glass when you are sure you are not pregnant. 
  • Limit the amount of starchy, brightly color vegetables such as sweet potatoes, winter squash, pumpkin and squash

The Last Thing You Need to Know about fertility-friendly diet

  • Remember fertility-friendly diet is not about losing weight rather it is about given your body the best chance possible by eating the right food that will improve the quantity of the eggs and embryo therefore given you the best chance of conceiving through IVF treatment.
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