Family update: The Life Update of a 3-Year-Old Preschooler and 17-Month-Old IVF Baby

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Our little family update: Life Update of a 3-Year-Old Preschooler and 17-Month-Old IVF Baby

  • It has been a busy few months around here for the kahenya family. Can you believe that our little Lucy just started preschool and she is absolutely loving it. Oh yeah, ladies and gentlemen that just happen. She is 3 years old now. It seems like it was just yesterday I debated whether or not to go through the IVF process. I thank God I did because this joy we feel now with our children will not be here.
  • Our 17-month-old daughter Lillian who was also conceived through IVF is also doing great; she’s walking and talking now and getting into everything (as all toddlers do!).
  • Lois our first daughter is currently in grade 5. She is ten years old now and is beginning to talk back. We will get into that later. For now, here are what the girls have been up to. I hope you guys enjoy their update and their growth.

Here is lucy’s first day of school

  • Here is my little lucy, you see she is currently in her posing stage. She is making every pose she can think of each time her picture is taken. That’s If you are wondering why her body is twisted like that. It is a pose and she is very proud of her pose. She is such a sweet happy child.
  • If you notice, the sign on the right hand side she is holding is saying that she is officially in preschool. Quite frankly I still have a hard time believing it but she is doing really well at school. As a matter of fact, She has made so many friends in such a short time since she started school.
  • She comes home every day with stories about her friends and teachers, and I can see her confidence growing by leaps and bounds.
  • She just participated in her cookies fundraising drive. I forgot all about it but lucy being the goal-getter, smart and helpful little girl she is, reminded me and told me all the people that can buy and contribute to her fundraiser. Who knew she pays attention to people around us?
  • And sure enough, she made more sales than we anticipated. Her aunties were very kind to help her out by purchasing her cookies which she truly appreciated very much.
  • At the moment she is waiting for the cookies to arrive so she can personally deliver them to her aunties. She is only 3. We are very happy with the way she is turning out. A bright enthusiastic, energetic, helpful, and very sweet but can be very argumentative at times. Her personality has changed in such a short time for the better. let me tell you her terrible twos were not pretty. So we thank God for her each day.
  • Lucy is really enjoying playing and participating in several activities with her little sister Lillian. Who would have thought? she was once constantly questing Lillian’s presence in the family which often resulted in sibling rivalry. As we all know this was normal for her age at the time. It is not to say that sibling rivalry is still not happening. It is just different now. I have noticed more understanding and patience from lucy when it comes to her little sister Lillian. She just adores her little sister.
  • We just enjoyed a fun trick-or-treat night together as a family. Halloween was a lot of fun this year for the girls. The kids went trick-or-treating with their Dad and they had a blast. They came home with so much candy that we had to ration it out so they didn’t eat too much at once! I stayed back and gave out candy to the kiddos. lucy and Lillian joined in on the fun once they returned from their trick-and-treat night with their papa While Lois the eldest head to the church with her dad for a fun night of games and treats.
  • Now that Halloween is over, we’re getting ready for Christmas. The kids are already asking Santa for some toys, video games Nintendo and dolls.

Here are some pictures of the girls from this year’s Halloween

Painting Everything White in our Home

In addition to chasing after two little ones and please don’t forget the 10-year-old, I’ve also been working on some projects around the house. I recently painted our family room fireplace, the bookcase, mirrors, some picture frames and the kitchen cabinet am still working on it.

Some family members are beginning to worry that I am going overboard with the white thing, which I agree to a point but at the same time I really do love the results! The light and airy feel of the space is exactly what I was going for. If you’re thinking of painting your own home white, I would highly recommend it. It really brightens up the space and makes it feel larger.

Here are some of the projects the kids and I have been working on. Yes, I finally found an original picture of the fireplaces, so I thought I update it. The kids and I love how it turned out
  • And then there is Lois the oldest of all my girls and my only naturally conceived child. She is 10 years old and currently in grade 10. It really takes me back a beat to think that I got a child that can actually contribute to the family. Like she can actually do things and do them well around the house. Although it is a chore getting her to do anything at times. She is currently 10 years old and going to be 16. She has started to behave like a teenager. Don’t get me wrong, She is a wonderful sweet girl but at times she gets into her teenage mood, which can be quite difficult to deal with at times. We thought we had time before we had to deal with a teenager but it seems to have come early for us.
  • So currently we are working on correcting it. With appropriate positive parenting, discipline and occasional yelling, we are also working on ourselves. But all in all, we are noticing some positive results. Which means less yelling and more talks and understanding.

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Kehenya’s update

  • Is that we’re doing great over here! The kids are happy and healthy, and I’m enjoying getting to watch them grow and learn every day. These years are definitely flying by but I’m savouring every moment. Thanks for keeping up with our family!Until next time.
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