Best tips for your first IVF appointment.

Best tips for your first In-Vitro fertilization(IVF) appointment

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Best Tips to avoid confusion on your first fertility appointment.

  • You are probably wondering what are these best tips for your IVF treatment appointment and why do I need them. I will discuss more in this blog post but before I move forward with writing the meat of this blog post I will start by letting you know what is happening at this stage of your journey. At this point in your journey, all the required tests have been completed. Your doctor has explained your results to you and now your option is IVF. You are approaching a new territory of fancy and technical words that will be difficult to understand without previous knowledge of IVF. You will have so much information coming at you that your head will spin. You do not want to go home with little to no information due to a lack of understanding and confusion. This is why is important to come prepared with your own list of questions. You will need a notebook or journal. This is to write down your list of questions and answers you will get from your doctors so you don’t forget. Your list of questions guarantees that you can ask your individual questions and get them answered. You can record and go through your note at any point in your journey.
  • I found that I was able to keep on top of everything once I got organized. It made my life easier during my IVF treatment.`

What is Confusion on your first fertility Appointment

  • Your doctors will explain the procedure to you but with a lot of acronyms and technical words. It will be confusing if you did not come with previous knowledge of IVF. You are given a large amount of information, with a lot of fences and technical words that might be difficult to understand.
  • It will not be like your regular check-up with your family doctor. You need to come prepared. So you can get as much information as possible about the treatment you are about to undergo

Why does this confusion happen

  • If this is your first time undergoing IVF treatment. When your IVF team explain the IVF treatment to you, it will sound foreign to you. It will be hard to keep up when you are learning new information.
  • I remembered getting home and I started to recall questions I wanted to ask. I am afraid to say that I forgot most of them. Of cause I ended up googling my questions. This action sent me, to a rabbit hole of Videos that mostly showed me that it will not work for me. I got very worried because most of the videos I ended up watching was videos of the unsuccessful first try. People that had gone through IVF multiple cycles before they got a baby. This did not give me the confidence to move forward with my treatment. All it did was made me question my decision to undergo the treatment. At my next appointment, I was better prepared because my husband encouraged me
  • So please be prepared so you do not end up in the same situation
Best tips for your first IVF appointment. How to get the most information and be better prepared for your first IVF treatment appointment
Best tips for your first IVF appointment. How to get the most information and be better prepared for your first IVF treatment appointment

Best Tips for your first fertility appointment. These are questions you should be asking.

Tip 1: How Much Does IVF Cost

    • What all are included in the basic prices
    • How much will the medications cost
    • Do I need to pay for the medication upfront or can I pay as needed?
    • What are the extra things that might cost money not included with the clinic IVF basic fees
    • Tip 2: What medication will I take

    • What medications will I be taken and what are their purpose
    • What are the side effect of each medication
    • Do I need to administer these medications to myself?
    • what is the dosage of each medication do I need to take
    • What is the reason for the amount of the dosage
    • Where else can I buy these medications

      Tip 3: How Long will a Cycle Take to complete

    • Do I need to book off work
    • How soon can I start my treatment
    • At this point, you are aware of all the medication you need to take. hopefully, you wrote them down. This is the time for you to ask questions like;
    • When will I start taking the ovarian suppression Medication and stimulating medication
    • what are the side effect of these medications will they affect my do

Tip 4:What is the purpose of the scenes

    • How flexible is the scanning and blood test appointments
    • What is the purpose of the scenes and blood test and what is the reason for them?
    • How mature will the follicles need to be for egg collection
    • Base on my history, age and test results how many eggs do you expect to get from me.

The Last Thing You Need to Know about un-prepared stress.

  • I recommend that you do a little research before you attend your first appointment. A little knowledge about IVF treatment will go a long way so you are not too lost on your first appointment.
  • If you liked this blog post. If it was helpful for you. Please share it with your friends and family or leave a comment below. I will really appreciate it. I love to hear from you.

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