Beets are Good for Digestion and lead to Good Gut Health

Beets are Good for Digestion and lead to Good Gut Health

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Beets are Good for Digestion and lead to Good Gut Health

  • Beets are root vegetables. They are bright red in colour, round and hard. They are sweet and earthy.
  • Beets can be baked, boil pickled, and eaten raw. you can add them to your salad, and smoothies and also eat their greens,
  • Beets contain fibre, antioxidants, and vitamins. They are very low in calories.
  • Beets have long been eaten for its vitamin and minerals.

History of Beets use

  • Beets are not new in fact there is written evidence that beets were eaten in Ancient times.
  • Ancients Babylon, Greece, Romans, and Africa all used them.
  • The Ancients used the beets leave for their culinary use and the roots for their medicinal properties.
  • The Geek and Roman used beets for their reported aphrodisiac qualities.
  • In 1700, a German chemist discover and was able to make sugar out of beets
  • Beets were brought into the United States in the late 19th century. For more information go here
  • Today Beets are popularised for their many nutritional properties. It is known and used for achieving a strong and healthy liver, good bacteria, and good gut health.

How to Get Started Using Beet to Achieve Better Digestion and Good Gut Health

  • Today, Beet is known for its health properties such as its good digestion benefit and good gut health. It is good to consider adding Beet as one of your detox agents while detoxing to support liver detoxification, promote good gut bacteria, ensure strong and healthy liver, and ultimately lead to a better digestive system and good gut health.
  • It is no secret that the gut lining absorbs the food we eat. In fact, it releases the proper enzymes to break down the food we eat and pass wast. When the gut and the digestive system are not taken care of. It can trigger inflammation which can lead to damage to eggs and sperm health.
  • For someone like me trying to conceive through IVF treatment. Fertility detox is one of my processes. It is important to eat the right kind of food to gently remove toxins from the body in order to improve the whole system (gut health).
  • So including Beet as part of your detox plan will play an important role by helping cleanse the liver and promote healthy bacteria in the gut, anti-inflammatory as well as aiding in healing of the digestive system. It is a useful Vegetable to add to your plan while detoxing.
  • The idea is to give the liver a chance to clean and expel all the bad toxins from the digestive system without overloading the work of the liver. Detox also has surprisingly another good side effect.
  • Detox can result in a slite weight loss, a slimmer figure, and a flat stomach when done well. As long as you keep in mind that the weight loss can disappear if you don’t continue to maintain a healthier eating lifestyle.
Here are ways beets can help you achieve good health. It can help cleanse your body, with good bacteria in your gut and good gut health
Here are ways beets can help you achieve good health. It can help cleanse your body, with good bacteria in your gut and good gut health

How Beet Can be Good for Digestion and Good Gut

Strong and Health Liver

  • Beet is full of antioxidants, vitamins A, B-6, and iron. These nutrients, are anti-inflammatory in nature and are responsible for protecting the liver from inflammation and oxidative stress.
  • They also further help improve the liver by getting rid of toxins in the body.


  • The fibre found in beets helps with good digestion. It helps provide easy access for food to move through the gut to the colon and out of the body.
  • Fibre also feeds the gut with good and beneficial bacteria as it travels through the digestive system.
  • It prevents constipation, diverticulitis and even inflammatory bowel disses
  • It also prevents gastrointestinal conditions

The Last Thing You Need to Know about [niche] <H2 Heading>

  • Beets have other health benefits such as it prevents birth defects, promoting brain health, increasing libido, preventing and promote regulate blood pressure, controlling blood glucose levels, boosting Immunity, anticancerous, helping lose weight, good for bone health and preventing anemia.
  • For those of you who are interested in using the Beet for any of these health benefits, I will suggest completing your own research, for more detailed information before you use it. Until next time.
  • If you really like this blog post, If it was helpful for you please share it with your, friends and family or leave a comment below. I really appreciate it. I love to hear from you.


  • Asonye, Christian., (2020) Eat to Beat Diseases(23) 9-16
  • Remington, Sara.,
  • Cherney, Kristeen., (2019)

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