All You Need To Know About Ovarian Suppression

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All You Need To Know About Ovarian Suppression

  • One of my earlier posts on this blog was dedicated to discussing all the steps and what happens in each step regarding IVF. In this block post, I will be more detailed about what each discussing each step entails.
  • Let’s be honest here, the process of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) can be a bit overwhelming. Believe me, I am a testament to this fact. There’s so much to learn about the process and it can be hard to know where to start. So why not start at the beginning.
  • Today we’re diving into ovarian suppression—the first step of IVF—so you can feel more educated and empowered going into your treatment. after the big meeting where you get to discuss with the fertility doctors what actually is causing your infertility, what are the options available, and test and retest to determine the next best treatment will be.
  • Each individual situation is different. In my case, the doctors determined that my best next step was Ovarian Suppression.
  • This did not sound so bad all I had to take was some birth control pills as directed. I know the word ovarian suppression sounds so big and intimidating but it is not so bad once you understand it.
  • So what is ovarian suppression you ask.

What Is Ovarian Suppression(O.S)

  • Ovarian suppression is a process that temporarily shuts down the ovaries so that hormones related to ovulation can be lowered in the body. It’s often used in IVF treatments to prevent premature ovulation, allowing for better control over the timing of egg retrieval. During this stage of treatment, women are prescribed hormone-suppressing medications such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists or antagonists.
  • These drugs help inhibit ovulation and reduce levels of hormones such as FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone), which are needed for the successful conception and implantation of embryos.
  • For me, this stage was one of the easiest parts of my IVF Journey. This was because to me it was the same feeling I got when I took a birth-control pill. At this stage I was like this is not too bad. I can do this. In fact, I started to imagine meeting my baby and all the thing I will be doing with her or him whatever it was I will be happy and grateful.

Why Do We Take Medications For Ovarian Suppression

  • The reason we take medications for O.S. is to it allows us to better control of our ovulation and the presence of hormones in the body
  • These are considered both critical components for successful fertilization and embryo development.
  • By suppressing ovulation, we prevent multiple eggs from maturing at once, which reduces the risk of multiple pregnancies while increasing the chances of success with each individual IVF cycle.
Here are ways Ovarian suppression can help ensure  a better control when eggs are retrieved from the ovaries.
Here are ways Ovarian suppression can help prevent multiple eggs from maturing at once, which reduces the risk of multiple pregnancies while increasing the chances of success with each individual IVF cycle.

Why Is Ovarian Suppression Necessary

  • Ovarian suppression is an important step in the IVF process because it allows doctors to control better when eggs are retrieved from the ovaries. Premature ovulation can lead to a poor egg-retrieval rate, ultimately reducing a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant. It also helps ensure that only mature eggs are harvested—eggs that have been exposed to high levels of hormones over several days prior to retrieval tend to be less viable than those exposed to lower levels—which also contributes to higher pregnancy rates.
  • Finally, ovarian suppression reduces the risk of multiple pregnancies since doctors can more accurately predict when eggs will be available for transfer into the uterus.

How Well Does Ovarian Suppression Work

  • The success rate of ovarian suppression in conjunction with IVF is quite high; studies have estimated the success rate at around 80%.
  • That said, there are some factors that can affect its effectiveness, such as age and medical history.
  • The best way to determine how successful ovarian suppression will be in your particular case is to speak with a fertility specialist who can assess your situation and provide personalized advice.
  • Whether you’re considering undergoing IVF or just want to learn more about it, understanding O.S is key.
  • O.S. involves temporarily stopping your body from producing hormones necessary for ovulation by using drugs such as leuprolide acetate or goserelin acetate.
  • The success rate of ovarian suppression when used in conjunction with IVF is quite high—around 80%—although it can vary depending on individual factors such as age and medical history.
  • To find out more about how ovarian suppression could work for you, be sure to talk to a fertility specialist who can provide personalized advice.

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Ovarian suppression

  • Whether you’re considering undergoing IVF or just want to learn more about it, understanding ovarian suppression is key. Ovarian suppression involves temporarily stopping your body from producing hormones necessary for ovulation by using drugs such as leuprolide acetate or goserelin acetate. The success rate of ovarian suppression when used in conjunction with IVF is quite high—around 80%—although it can vary depending on individual factors such as age and medical history. To find out more about how ovarian suppression could work for you, be sure to talk to a fertility specialist who can provide personalized advice. Good luck!
  • For those of you who are interested in learning more about IVF go here. Until next time.
  • If you really like this blog post, If it was helpful for you please share it with your, friends and family or leave a comment below. I really appreciate it. I love to hear from you.


  •  Aurora Reproductive Care., (2021)

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