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8 Must have Product for your Invitro fertilization(IVF) Journey

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Best Products to Overcome Un-prepared stress

  • IVF is a very difficult and scary journey for anyone to go through. You will have information and directions coming at you constantly. You will need to remember as you will need to implement them at some point in your journey. You got a lot of medication, with different directions and time to take them. You will need to remember these directions to avoid disruption to your IVF cycle. You are already paying money, and putting your body through a lot. You do not want to risk disrupting your IVF cycle by lack of preparation. You do not want any added stress as this is not good for your journey. So to make life easier for yourself this post will list 8 Must-have Products for your IVF Journey
  • I remember when I first received some of my medications. I came back, I placed them in my medicine cabinet. I set my alarm to remind me of the time to take each medication. Of cause when the alarm rang I head to the medicine cabinet. I grabbed the medication and place them on the table. I was not able to tell which one is which. Quite frankly that scared me. This was too important how can I be so careless? luckily I took note of each instruction. But what if I didn’t take note this was no time to be making mistakes. So I got an organizer, a journal and a calendar to help me keep track and that helped me navigate better. I continued to learn and add new tricks to make my journey less stressful. These are 8 Must-have Products for your IVF Journey and help ease your journey as they eased mine
  • “This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link. Please see my disclosure for more details.” Please see my disclosure for more information.

Personal Calendar

I put this as a first priority because you need it at your first consultation appointment. You need this to keep track of all your appointments. There will be a lot of appointments and this helps you stay on top of it all. It also helps you keep track of the time and date you need to take each medication.

Buy it here on Amazon

Notebook For Journal

I am recommending this notebook as well because you need it at your first consultation appointment. You will have a lot of information coming at you. Instruction and a lot of dates and times for your many appointments. You will need to write them down. It also helps to keep a journal for your child’s keepsake

Buy it here on Amazon

Drawer desktop storage (organizer)

This storage unit is good for organizing all your medication. It is a one-way stop for all your IVF items. It helps you keep track of all new materials for your treatment

Buy it here on Amazon

Extra Strength Tylenol

I am recommending extra-strength Tylenol. It helps with the pain. This was especially useful after my egg collection. It is also safe for a fetus so if you have a headache during pregnancy is safe to take. I picked up mine from my local drugstore but if you are already here you might as well pick it up from here as well

Buy it here on Amazon


I am recommending this because it also helps with pain that comes with contracting ovarian hypersensitivity. You might come across after your egg collection or retrieval. It is better to be prepared

Buy it here on Amazon

Yoga comfy pants

This pant is especially good because you can adjust the draw stings to your comfort. It helps with the bruises from the injections by making them less uncomfortable. It also helps to keep you comfortable during all those appointments. You will need to change into a hospital gown several times during your treatment. You do not need to be struggling out of jeans or any uncomfortable clothing at this stage.

Buy it here on Amazon

Portable Cooler

If you are travelling out of town, You will need a portable cooler to store and keep your medication cool. Some of the medications need to be refrigerated. Some of the medications have a specific time frame to take them. This is why you need this cooler to help you carry your medication with you if you will not be back within that time frame.

Buy it here on Amazon

Ice pack

I am recommending this ice pack to keep your medication cool in the portable cooler. You can also use ice but you will end up with a melting mess. It is best you avoid that.

Buy it here on Amazon

What is Un-prepared stress?

  • You are already in a stressful situation you do not want to add to the stress by not being prepared.
  • Do not assume that all will be provided for you because you paid a large amount of money. Is your job to follow instructions and implement them accordingly

Why does this Un-prepared stress happen

  • It exists because each stage of IVF requires its own needs and instructions. You need to apply each instruction accordingly for the most optimum result. If you are disorganized and unprepared it will affect your ability to follow instructions from your doctors. In turn, affect your cycle. Again your IVF journey is too important to be risking mistakes. You want to give yourself the best chance possible
  • Let say you are going out of town. You know you will not be back in time to take your medication at the time frame instructed. You will need a portable cooler and ice pack to store medication like Gonal-f which required refrigeration.
  • Honestly, we had to cancel tripe at first but then we realize that we can use a portable colour and ice pack our life changed.

Common Questions/FAQ About Un-prepared stress

  • Question 1 Why do I need to get these products?

    • You do not have to get these products but if you want products to help ease your IVF journey these are my recommendations to you.
  • Question 2 How does stress affect the success of IVF treatment?

    • Stress does not affect the success of your IVF treatment if all factors are done accordingly.
    • Stress, however, can affect your ability to implement the direction given to you by your IVF treatment team. This can cause you to make mistakes. The amount of money and time and risk to your body do you want to be taking risks
    • It can also affect your ability to function at work, and at home and your relationships can suffer

Question 3 What can I do for a self-care

  • Find an exercise that helps calm your nerves and use it any time you feel uneasy.
  • Create a good and trusted support system to talk to you feel alone, isolated and simply want to talk to someone

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Un-prepared stress

  • Remember you are already coming to your treatment with stress from circumstances that come from infertility. It helps to know why you have not been able to conceive. IVF medication and the process come with their own up and down. your body is being pumped with a lot of hormones. This can be hard for you and your body. These products make your life easier and in turn reduce stress
  • It is important to create a stress-free environment for you to thrive in your journey
  • preparation is the key
  • If you really like this blog post, If it was helpful for you please share it with your, friends and family or leave a comment below. I really appreciate it. I love to hear from you.

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