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In-vitro fertilization (IVF) and Step by step how it works

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In-vitro fertilization (IVF) and Step by step how it works

Hello, world, Is Ijeoma here,  I am an IVF survival. Honestly, I’ve been wanting to start this blog for quite some time now. I can say that it was because life got in the way but that is not just the reason.  I was just not quite comfortable sharing my journey with the world yet. In fact not with anyone for that matter. My IVF experience is supposed to be a secret, embarrassing, something you don’t talk about. People will judge you at least that’s what I said to myself, they will not understand, just deal with it, and don’t bring attention to yourself.  What if it didn’t work, then you will have to keep updating everyone. I was extremely disconnected from people because I didn’t seek any support. I felt very lonely during my IVF journey. I wished that I had a place to go for all my many questions and support that I so desperately needed. This blog will focus on the IVF process, How to cope with the emotional and physical part of IVF, and my next embryo transfer as I go through it all over again.

What exactly is in Invitro fertilization(IVF)? Let me put it down in a simple word. It is basically a form of assisted pregnancy where a man”s sperm and a women’s egg are combined outside the body on a laboratory dish. If the egg happens to fertilize and start cell division then the embryo is transferred into the women’s uterus. The aims are for the embryo to implant in the woman’s uterus

Ivf is used for

  1. Damaged  fallopian tube
  • The fallopian tube is where the sperm and egg meet to fertilize. When it is damaged it causes infertility in women. This is where IVF comes in handy because the clinician gets to fertilize the sperm and egg outside of the women’s body then transfer it back to the women’s body with the hope that the embryo will implant.

These are some factor that can cause fallopian tube damage: sexually transmitted infections, pelvic infection endometriosis, surgery or tubal ligation

  1. Absent of fallopian tube if you have no fallopian tube there will be nowhere for the sperm and egg to meet and fertilize.
  1. Abnormal ovulation
  • Ovulation is usually the monthly release of the egg. In fact, some women do not ovulate at all or do so so irregularly, this can cause irregular or absent periods and infertility.
  1. Unexplained infertility
  • 15 to 20 % of people there is no explanation for their infertility.
  • IUI and IVF is available for such couple and also treatment varies as per person
  1. Inadequate sperm number or function
  • Low sperm count does not function well
  1. Age-related infertility
  • The older you get, the number and quality of one’s egg diminish. It became harder to get pregnant and also your chances of miscarriage increase.
  • Although IVF can not compensate for reproductive aging, it can help increase older women’s chances of getting pregnant.
This is  IVF process step by step guide.

IVF process step by Step guide

ovulation switch off

  • First, you will take a drug to stop your ovulation cycle.

ovarian stimulation

  • A few weeks later you will take some more drugs this time to stimulate a lot of your eggs
  • Your doctor will monitor the progression of these eggs to ensure all is going according to  plan

Egg retrieval

  • Between 10 to 12 days a trigger shot drug is taken to mature the eggs


  • About 36 hours later the eggs are collected while the man provide a sperm sample
  • Then the egg and sperm will be fertilized.

Embryo culture

  • The hope is for the egg and sperm to fertilize
  • The next day, the clinic will contact you to let you know how many of your eggs fertility to make an embryo.
  • The clinic will continue to check for more fertilization for the next few days
  • The will contact you for update with any change

Embryo transfer.

  • The clinic will wait for 3 to 5 days after egg collection to transfer the embryo to the uterus if all the conditions are right
  • Bed rest 

The two-week wait

  • Take a home pregnancy test and hope for a positive pregnancy.
  • The clinic will complete their own text on how well everything is going.
  • Then you celebrate and take lots of bed rest.

How to cope after your first pregnancy test. Whether your pregnancy test is positive or negative, it is important that you are prepared to receive the news in a more healthy manner.  I am not sure about anyone else but after years of negative pregnancy tests, when I finally got a positive one I was in disbelief. I could not believe what my eye was seeing. wanted to jump up and down when I found out but was too afraid to because you know the baby might fall out.

I must have done 20 tests just to make sure.  For me I had that 2 weeks wait, the 7 weeks wait and the 3 months wait. I needed these waits to pass in order to feel confident about my journey. This whole time I was on my computer googling all the ways things may go sideways for my pregnancy. I do not recommend this. This made me even more anxious. After three months was when I was beginning to feel a little confident that this might actually work out.  These are better ways you can cope when you get a positive test.

How to deal with the test result

These are what I have learned from a positive and negative pregnancy test result.

Positive result:

  • Take a couple of pregnancy tests With different brands of a pregnancy test. It does not have to be expensive. This is to cure any delt that your eye is deceiving you.  You want to be absolutely sure that you are pregnant. You don’t want to get so excited only to find out that your pregnancy test damages or the second line were non-existence
  • Please reframe from telling everyone. You still have a long way to go. For example, the 2 weeks wait for a sonogram to check if there is even a baby. 40 week-long
  • Please please stay away from google. I know this two weeks wait can be difficult. You do not need to be checking out all the things that could go wrong. It adds extra unnecessary stress to your journey
  • Please do not start buying baby things as you still have a long way to go.

Negative result:

  • It is not your fault. You can not do anything to influence the success of an embryo transfer. You are dealing with a numbers game now.
  • Do not tell everyone when you choose to test. You will have to update everyone with your results. Most people will want to support you but do not know-how. It becomes an uncomfortable interaction.
  • Grieve (Take some time for yourself to grieve, is ok)
  • Look into your next plan of action with your partner
  • Spend time with your supporters.

I hope this information is useful for somebody, I believe that when you are well informed about your journey you are more equipped to manage the discomfort and stress that comes with IVF. It will not be easy, you will go through ups and down. It is important that you have a support system and strategies put in place to help you cope. I for one did not have these systems at the beginning of my journey. I had to learn as I go as a result I suffered the consequences. That feeling of the lonely road I do not wish on anyone. Understanding the step of the IVF cycle helps me feel included in my treatment rather than my treatment was happening to me. I had comfort when I found and developed some healthy strategies on how to deal with whatever came out of my IVF journey.  Good luck ladies

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